Recommender Award 2017

For the tenth time in eleven years, GRAWE was presented with the "Recommender Award" of the Financial Marketing Association of Austria (FMVÖ). GRAWE won again in the category "insurance companies throughout Austria" and was additionally given the rating "outstanding customer orientation".
The 11th Recommender Gala was held on 31 May at Sofiensäle in Vienna with further success for Grazer Wechselseitige Versicherung AG. The long-established, Graz-based company won in the category "insurance companies throughout Austria", as it did in the previous year, and was given the rating "outstanding customer orientation" which means a significant increase compared to the previous year.
"To receive the Recommender Award for the tenth time in eleven years makes us very proud. The significant increase compared to the previous year (5 percent of the Net Promoter Score) and therefore being awarded the rating "outstanding customer orientation" is particularly pleasing. This award in the category "insurance companies throughout Austria" is once more testimony to the exemplary dedication of all our GRAWE employees and our products in line with requirements," says member of the Board of Directors at GRAWE, Dipl.Techn. Erik Venningdorf.
The Recommender Award is presented to institutes who had the highest recommendation rates in their respective category in the survey of 8,000 customers in the first quarter of 2017. The data were collected by the market research institute Telemark Marketing. The Recommender is part of a comprehensive financial sector study commissioned by the independent Financial Marketing Association of Austria (FMVÖ).
Mag. (FH) Karin Taferner-Bauer | Head of Corporate Communication and Marketing | Grazer Wechselseitige Versicherung AG | Tel.: 0316/8037-6430 | mail: