Recommender Award 2020

For the 13th time in 14 years, GRAWE was presented with the “Recommender Award” of the Financial Marketing Association of Austria (FMVÖ). GRAWE won again in the category “insurance companies throughout Austria” and was awarded with the rating “excellent customer orientation”.
This year the Recommender Award was celebrated slightly different: On 26th of May the award took place virtually. Now Grazer Wechselseitige Versicherung AG is celebrating this big success for the 13th time. The company ranked first again in the category "insurance companies throughout Austria", and was additionally given the rating "excellent customer orientation".
“We are very proud to win the Recommender Award the 13th time in 14 years for the highest recommendation rate in the category ‘insurance companies throughout Austria’. The seal of quality ‘excellent customer orientation’ confirms the extraordinary performance of all GRAWE employees as well as our customer oriented products", says member of the Board of Directors at GRAWE, MMag. Georg Schneider.
The Recommender Award is presented to institutes who had the highest recommendation rates in their respective category in the survey of 8,000 customers in the first quarter of 2020. The data were collected by the market research institute Telemark Marketing. The Recommender is part of a comprehensive financial sector study commissioned by the independent Financial Marketing Association of Austria (FMVÖ).
Enquiries: Mag. (FH) Karin Taferner-Bauer | Head of Corporate Communication and Marketing | Grazer Wechselseitige Versicherung AG | Tel.: 0316/8037-6430 | Mail: