Responsible for content
Grazer Wechselseitige Versicherung Aktiengesellschaft
Generaldirektion Graz
Herrengasse 18-20
8010 Graz
Telefon: 0316/8037 - 6222
Fax: 0316/8037 - 6490
E-Mail: service@grawe.at
Prok. Akad. Vkff. Mag. (FH) Karin Taferner-Bauer
Head of Corporate Communication and Marketing
Mag. (FH) David Kumpusch, M.A.
Team leader Digital Marketing & Public Relations
Portal management
Mag. Wilhelm Korpar
IT Services department
Information according to E-Commerce Law
Commercial Register number and Commercial Court: 37748m Provincial and Commercial Court Graz
Competent supervisory authority: Financial Market Authority (FMA)
Membership of a Chamber or other institutions: Chamber of Commerce, Austrian Insurance Association
Turnover tax I.D. number: ATU37006609
Business objective
(1) The company operates a direct insurance business in the branches of insurance according to the insurance supervisory authority.
(2) Furthermore, the company carries out reinsurance in all insurance branches. .
(3) Furthermore, the company's business objective is
a) the participation in other companies, taking over the management for other companies and the asset management, with the exception of banking transactions;
b) the activities of an insurance broker;
c) the activities of a consultant in insurance matters;
d) the procurement of mortgage loans and personal loans as well as the procurement of the acquisition and sale of securities, as far as these activities are related to and arise out of the conclusion and the procurement of insurance policies;
e) the procurement of contracts of any kind, in particular for insurance, loans, credit, leasing and building loans.
f) Services in automatic data processing and information technology as well as taking over own and third party information for automatic recording, storage and evaluation; this is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the data protection law.
g) the creation and management of organisational facilities, which serve insurance companies and other companies, who have concluded a cooperation agreement with the company as well as all companies with whom an affiliation exists;
h) the execution of administrative duties for companies with whom the company is associated in a group;
i) real estate management.
Gender-neutral formulation
In certain texts we have waived a gender-neutral formulation for reasons of legibility. However, in all cases, all genders are addressed according to equal treatment.
Online Dispute Resolution
If you have a problem with an insurance contract that has been taken out online, the European Commission provides you with a platform for online dispute resolution (ODR) which you can find here: ec.europa.eu/odr finden.