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  • Facts about GRAWE

    Who we are

    Find out how our company developed from an initial fire insurance company to a multilateral, international group of companies. Here you can also find all information on the Grazer Wechselseitige Versicherung AG (Graz Mutual Insurance Company) and the GRAWE Group.


    GRAWE near you

    Here you can find our customer centers, registration offices and consultants throughout Austria.
    Head office in Graz

    GRAWE Austria

    Grazer Wechselseitige Versicherung AG in Austria
    Two girls looking and pointing at a globe

    GRAWE Group

    The GRAWE Group includes insurance companies, banks and real estate.
    Historic hall in the GRAWE head office in Graz

    Mission statement

    GRAWE's factors of success
    Woman looking at old historic pictures sitting on a sofa

    GRAWE's history

    Archduke Johann founded GRAWE in 1828
    Newspapers on a table

    Press area

    Here you can find the most important news, our press releases and contect the press service directly
    Man in a suit consulting a woman, both sitting at a table looking at documents

    GRAWE Career

    GRAWE's career portal
    Two people standing in front of a bookshelf

    EU exchange of services

    Detailed information for Italy, Latvia and Lithuania
    Paper clips, a calculator and a pen lying on a table

    We speak your language

    Our consultants speak your language.
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