Grazer Wechselseitige Versicherung AG
"Reliable insurance cover for all" was Archduke Johann’s motto when he founded Grazer Wechselseitige in 1828. Since then, a multilateral, international company, which unites insurance companies, banks and real estate under its umbrella, has developed from the initial fire insurance company.
Eighteen Central, East and Southeast European insurance subsidiaries are responsible for the company's international orientation. The GRAWE Group thus represents an important economic factor in Central, East and Southeast Europe.
With its customer-friendly personal consultation as well as appropriate and tailor-made products, GRAWE guarantees international quality with domestic standards of security.
GRAWE Austria in numbers
Deputy Chairman
Univ. Prof. Mag. Dr. Dr. h.c. Josef ZECHNER, Vienna
Dr. Andrea SPRINGER, Klagenfurt
Dr. Franz HÖRHAGER, Vienna
Franz MAYR-MELNHOF-SAURAU, Frohnleiten
Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Michaela STOCK, Graz
Supervisory Board members delegated by the central works council
Central Works Council Chairman Bezirksdirektor-Teamleiter Friedrich SAMPL, Heiligenkreuz am Waasen
Works Council Chairwoman Stmk., Bgld., Vbg. Kommissär Ursula WIPFLER, Lieboch
Works Council Chairman Wien, NÖ Bezirksdirektor-Teamleiter Christian GRUBER, Lanzenkirchen
Dr. Franz Harnoncourt-Unverzagt
As a network of the Insurers Association of Austrian Federal Provinces, Grazer Wechselseitige Versicherung, Kaerntner Landesversicherung, Niederoesterreichische Versicherung, Oberoesterreichische Versicherung, Tiroler Versicherung and Vorarlberger Landesversicherung, wanted to utilize synergies and their position as domestic insurance companies.
The one thing that all companies have in common is the large degree of customer service, the commitment to the country and its people, grown strength and independence, as well as a company structure which is 100 percent in Austrian hands.
We take all our decisions in our own country, we are directly on site for our customers, and we distinguish ourselves by emphasizing our services, the ability to act without the pressures related to international stock markets and foreign head offices.
As a result of our growing strength, we are market leader in property insurance in our relevant federal provinces. Overall, we rank among the top 4 in the Austrian insurance industry.
Together we are strong! The provincial insurers
- have approximately 3,670 employees in six central offices and over 200 customer service offices
- take care of around 1,69 million customers holding about 7 million policies
- have over 2,2 billion EUR premium volume
- provide about 1,53 billion EUR insurance benefits each year
- have a successful, partly over 200-year old tradition